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Martin Morning


Format Formats : 104x13'

Cible Targets :Young Kids

Genre Genre :Adventure

Production Production companies :Les Cartooneurs Associés, France 3, TPS Jeunesse, Fantasia

Réalisateur Filmmaker : Jacky Bretaudeau

Année de réalisation Production year : 2003

Auteurs Authors : Denis Oliviera, Claude Prothée, Luc Vinciguerra

Versions Versions : Brazilian, Chinese, English, French, Italian, Polish, Spanish

Pays Country : France


A 9 year old boy thinks the rest of the world finds him very average...
 My name is Martin. Martin Morning. I’m 9 years old and my best friend is Gromo (that's his name) and he's lots of fun. Every morning, I go to school and they all say I'm average: average pupil, average height, average intelligence.... But guess what? Every morning when I get up, very UNaver-age things happen to me... Unbelievable things, extraordinary even! When I'm around, my friends are never bored!


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